Here you will find a list and description of the tools.
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Download casaGeoSpatialSpecific data input of a single address is possible with casaGeoCoderSingleAddressInput.
Five input fields are given: Optional name (e.g. company name), street, house number, zip code and county. 19 countries are preset. The list can be extended at all times if required. The input tool provides four outputs:
- Output O contains the prepared Data for casaGeoCoder
- Output A displays the input address. ID is always “1”
- Output E displays the ID with description/optional entry
Actual geocoding is made with the casaGeoCoder. The input is either output O from casaGeoCoderSIngleAddressInput tool or output O from casaGeoCoderAddressesInput tool. No configuration of the tool is necessary.
The casaGeoCoder provides four outputs:
- Output O contains the geocoded address(es). The table includes the original input addresses as strings, best fitting xy-coordinates (WGS84), geometries and a timestamp of geocoding. The coordinates with highest correspondence with the original addresses are selected.
- Output D displays count of geocodings.
- Output Q provides match quality indicators for each part of the address, as well as for the entire address. 1.0 : complete match, <1 : some deviation exist
- Output A displays the original address though the syntax can differ from input: Additional information about state and county can be provided. All possible addresses that can be assigned to an input address are displayed, which allows the user to change the automatic selection.
casaGeoIsolines tool allows the calculation of a catchment area based on drive time or street distances. The calculation takes place on the HERE servers. Traffic flows can be considered. If combined with casaGeoDateTime the tool allows the differentiated calculation of catchment areas in accordance to weekday and time.
casaGeoIsolines consists of:
- casaGeoIsolinesInput
- casaGeoIsolines
- casaGeoDateTime (optional)
Data input and definition of parameters take place in the casaGeoIsolinesInput tool.
The input masks first three fields are reserved for data input. Only an ID (explicit data record key) and XY-Coordinates (WGS84) are taken on.
Furthermore the following parameters can be utilised and defined:
Stretch of way
- fastest way
- shortest way
Mode of transport
- car
- high-occupancy vehicle
- truck
- pedestrian
- traffic enabled
- traffic disabled
If traffic is to be considered in the calculations “traffic enabled“ must be selected.
Motorway / road feature
- motorway strictly excluded
- motorway softly excluded
- motorway normal allowed
- boatFerry allowed
- dirtRoad allowed
- tollRoad allowed
- tollRoad strictly excluded
Direction / Reserve direction
- start
- destination
Define position as starting point or destination. Especially in the city centre, where one-way streets become more frequent, the chosen option influences the outcome.
If the casaGeoIsolines tool is combined with the casaGeoDateTime tool “start" has to be configured as "departure" and "destination" as "arrival".
Calculation Type
- time
- distance
The parameter defines if the catchment area should be calculated based on meters or on minutes.
A value for each location can be read in individually or specific values can be selected from the table for each location.
Output data is transmitted to the casaGeoDateTime tool or to the casaGeoIsolines tool.

The tool casaGeoIsolines generates four different outputs:
Output O
Output O provides a polygon, containing the catchment areas of all locations in one object.
Output S
- location ID
- corresponding polygon of catchment area
Output G
- location ID
- longitude of location
- latitude of location
Output P
Provides catchment area as well as the chosen parameters of the input tool
- location ID
- corresponding polygon of catchment area
- route
- mode of transport
- traffic
- motorway / route feature
- range type
- range / distance
- direction
- time information (only if casaGeoDateTime tool is utilised)
- timestamp (only if casaGeoDateTime tool is utilised)
- execution timestamp
casaGeoRoutes allows the calculation as well as the cartographical presentation of the route between two addresses. The calculation is carried out on HERE servers. Traffic flows can be considered. A differentiated calculation in accordance to weekday and time is possible in combination with the casaGeoDateTime tool.
casaGeoRoutes consists of:
- casaGeoRoutesInput
- casaGeoRoutes
- casaGeoDateTime (optional)
Data input and definition of parameters take place in the casaGeoRoutesInput tool. In order to calculate the route, it is necessary to have starting point and aiming point in the same row.
The input tool offers the following options:
Count alternative routes
A maximum of ten alternative routes can be calculated.
Stretch of way
- shortest way
- fastest way
Modes of transport
- bicycle
- car
- high-occupancy vehicle
- truck
- pedestrian
- traffic enabled
- traffic disabled
Motorway / route feature
- motorway strictly excluded
- motorway softly excluded
- motorway normally allowed
- boatFerry allowed
- boatFerry strictly excluded
- dirtRoad allowed
- dirtRoad strictly excluded
- tollRoad allowed
- tollRoad strictly excluded
- German
- English
Each routing comes with a description, which is saved as html-data. The description of the route will be generated in the chosen language.
Input variables
- starting point ID (casageo_id_from)
- starting point longitude (longitude_from)
- starting point latitude (latitude_from)
- aiming point ID (casageo_id_to)
- aiming point longitude (longitude_to)
- aiming point latitude (latitude_to)
Coordinates of start and destination are returned through output F (starting point/from) and output T (aiming point/to). Output O transmits the data to casaGeoRoutes.

The tool casaGeoRoutes fulfils the calculation and the data exchange with the HERE server. Two outputs are generated:
Output M
- id number alternative – the ID consists of two parts, separated through a point. The number before the point is the input data record ID, the number behind the point refers to the alternative route (only if selected).
- geometry
Output T
- id number alternative
- casageo_id (record ID of input data)
- count alternatives
- casageo_id_from (starting point ID)
- casageo_id_to (aiming point ID)
- stretch of way
- mode of transport
- traffic
- motorway / route feature
- travel time (minutes)
- travel distance (meter)
- geometry
- departure (only if casaGeoDateTime tool is utilised)
- execution timestamp
- round total time – journey time optionally can be rounded to whole minutes
casaGeoDateTime can be used in combination with casaGeoIsolines, casaGeoRoutes and casaGeoTSP. It enables to perform calculations with regard to a specific date and/or time. In doing so, typical traffic situations, such as evening rush hour, can be considered in the calculations.
Date and time can be defined.

casaGeoPOI detects points of interest (POI) of different categories within a defined radius around a location. The POI are downloaded from HERE servers, thereby the most current HERE POI, which are also used in car navigation, are always utilised.
casaGeoPOI consists of two tools:
- casaGeoPOI_Input
- casaGeoPOI
Definition of radius and selection of categories in which POI should be selected take place in this tool.
The tool offers the following options:
- German
- English
POI-labelling will be carried out in the chosen language, for example railway station / Bahnhof.
Distance / Meter
Radius around location within which POI should be detected.
Number of POI that should be selected. Maximum 100 are played back.
Select category of location
You can chose among 30 categories:
- accommodation (hotel)
- airport
- atm-bank-exchange
- camping
- clothing-accessories-shop
- eat-drink
- education-facility/ school
- electronics-shop
- ferry-terminal
- hardware-house-garden-shop
- hospital
- hospital-health-care-facility
- leisure-outdoor
- library
- management of the administration
- museum
- parking-facility
- petrol-station
- pharmacy
- public-transport
- restaurant
- shopping
- sights-museums
- snacks-fast-food
- sports-facility-venue
- taxi-stand
- toilet-rest-area
- transport
- tourist-information
- zoo
Data Input
The following data is transmitted:
- location ID
- longitude
- latitude
casaGeoPOI selects the POI and provides two outputs:
Output S
- casageo_id (location ID)
- longitude
- latitude
- geometry of location
Output R
- casageo_id (location ID)
- poi (category name)
- title (label, e.g. CCH Congress Centrum Hamburg)
- tags (notes, e.g. steakhouse)
- opening hours
- address
- distance
- longitude_poi
- latitude_poi
- distance
- geometry
- execution timestamp
casaGeoRetrieve delivers the correspondent address for each pair of coordinates from the HERE servers.
The following parameters can be defined:
Data input
- object ID
- longitude
- latitude
- distance (defines in which radius (meter) the object should be searched)
- Area (area, e.g. county or municipality which contains the point)
- Address (if an address is detected information about the area will be provided as well)
The results are provided in four outputs:
Output A
- casageo_id
- distance (search area)
- selection (area or address)
- label (summed up results)
- country
- state
- county
- city
- district
- street (only if address is selected)
- house number (only if address is selected)
- postal code
- additional data (additional information on the area)
- execution timestamp
Output M
Output of input data
- casageo_id
- longitude
- latitude
- geometry
Output Q
Gives quality indicators (0 to 1) for each detected address. 1 is the best rating.
- casageo_id
- relevance
- country
- state
- county
- city
- district
- postal code
- street (only if address is selected)
- house number (only if address is selected)
Output X
Combines Output A and Q in one table.

Spider Maps with Routes enables the user to segment routes between several points (e.g. customers) and a central point and to attribute each segment to the individual routes.
With this tool the routes between individual points (generally customers and a location) will be layered and then be segmented whereby each segment can be attributed to the individual routes. The user can then use the frequency of the segments e.g. to display traffic flows.
Data input
- route ID
- geometry
- segment ID
- geometry
- segment ID
- route ID
Route data can be attributed to the individual segments via the given references.