
casaGeoCoder for Alteryx

casaGeoCoder allows you to quickly and easily geocode or validate address lists in Alteryx. casaGeoCoder uses technology from HERE, the world leader in navigation technology, and connects Alteryx to HERE servers, where coordinates are then determined. As a result, casaGeoCoder provides house coordinates, navigation coordinates, corrected addresses and quality codes.


  • WORLDWIDE AVAILABLE: With one license you can geocode addresses from all countries (except China and North Korea)
  • FAST: Depending on the technical equipment, up to 10,000 addresses can be geocoded within 10 minutes
  • AFFORDABLE: The smallest package starts at 360 USD, with which you can already geocode 100,000 addresses
  • LEADING TECHNOLOGIES: Technology from HERE, the world leader in navigation technology.
  • MULTIPLACEABLE: The smallest package for 360 USD already includes 2 named user

Results of the Geocoder in Detail

Display Coordinates

Display coordinates are usually located on the floor plan of the building (house coordinates) and are the ideal information for visualizing addresses on the map. To use addresses in the context of analyses, e.g. for routing or for the calculation of catchment areas, navigation coordinates are the better choice.

Navigation Coordinates

Navigation coordinates are set by HERE on the roadway exactly where the access to the building, parking lot, etc. is located. This ensures that the address is always navigated to correctly. Display coordinates, on the other hand, can lead to incorrect results.

For example, consider a supermarket with a large parking lot: The driveway leads to the parking lot (where the navigation coordinate is set) and behind it is the supermarket (where the display coordinate is set). If now a highway runs directly behind the supermarket, routing systems will start on the highway if the distance is smaller than that to the access road of the parking lot. This leads then to wrong catchment areas.

Address Return

casaGeoCoder returns a complete address. Either it is the original address or the corrected address is returned. The address is returned individually in its components and consists of the variables street, house number, postal code, city, country, state and district as well as city district, if available.

Quality Report

The casaGeoCoder provides quality indicators for each address that is geocoded. The relevance indicates how closely the input address matches the coordinate address. If the relevance is 1, the input address and the coordinate address match 100% (e.g. street and road are counted as a match). If the relevance is less than 1, the input address differs from the coordinate address. The matchquality (mq) provides the information in which address components the two addresses differ. If the matchquality of an address component is 1, the two components match 100%, if it is lower than 1, they differ. In detail the matchquality is shown for streets (mq_street), house numbers (mq_housenumber), postal code (mq_postalcode), city (mq_city) and the country (mq_country).

The match type (match_type) and result type (resulttype) provide the info on which level the coordinates are fed, e.g. on the house number level. Not every input address can be  unambiguously assigned to a coordinate on the house level (e.g. if the house number is missing). In such cases casaGeoCoder returns either the coordinate of a higher level, e.g. the street section, or several coordinates for an input address, sorted in descending order of relevance, or no coordinates. The quality report is also generated in the last case.


License Models

The transaction license can be booked in different packages. The packages differ in the number of licensed transactions and the available named users (see below). If you already have a transaction license, you can add transaction packages later. So you don't have to enter the new license key for every user and if you have licensed a transaction key for e.g. 10 users and later book a smaller transaction package, the transactions are still available for 10 users.

Transaction packages can be combined with any transaction license. The number of seats is taken over. Transaction packages have a term of one year. When booking a transaction package, existing transactions of the transaction license are automatically extended by the corresponding term.

Technical Requirement

  1. Valid Alteryx Designer license from version 2021.3 (for older versions please contact us)
  2. Internet connection

If Alteryx Designer is installed as NonAdmin, the examples (Open Example) cannot be called directly from Alteryx and the icons are not shown. The geocoding itself is not limited in functionality.